Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fighting Crime (A Love Song) - Song# 48

Fighting Crime (A Love Song) by Rich Baker

Put on your crazy color tights
Let’s go out patrolling tonight
Maybe we’ll find crime and bust some heads
And go back home and cuddle in bed

Get in the car and drive around town
Criminals fear us as we make them frown
Halting their robberies and evil deeds
Then on to making out we will proceed

So, let’s fight crime together
You get the capes. I’ll bring the masks.
After bashing in bad guys’ heads
We snuggle on the couch and relax

It would be so cooler than seeing a movie
Tandem kicking ass is the way it should be
We’ll punch in some faces while we hold hands
The tales of our heroics told across the lands

So, let’s fight crime together
You get the weapons. I’ll grab the ropes.
Once we give those scum our rath
We go home and take a bubble bath

Other couples have picnics and parties
Or take long walks by the river
We choose to save the innocent
And make all the underworld quiver

So, let’s fight crime together
You get the smoke bombs, we’ll meet in the alley
And once the night is over
We’ll go home and watch When Harry Met Sally

You’re the toughest girl I know
When you punch it really smacks
If the zombies attack today
I want you joining my survivor pack

So, let’s fight crime together
I’ll grab the bullet proof vests and the hook shooting guns
Then we’ll tie up the bad dudes for the police
In the morning for breakfast we’ll get honey buns

Let’s fight crime together
Let’s fight crime together

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