Friday, February 12, 2010

Stuck: The Ramblings of a Technophobe - Song# 41

Stuck: The Ramblings of a Technophobe by Rich Baker

I don’t use a microwave just the stove
I don’t have an alarm clock, just hear the cock crow
Got no e-mail, just envelopes and stamps
Don’t have no sewing machine. I hand stitch my own pants

I won’t get on an airplane, only birds should take flight
I do have a television, but it’s black and white
No digital camera, just my own memory
I got no electric car just a scooter powered by my feet

Keep away the gizmos
It’s all too scary for me
I’m proud to be stuck in the past
Not willing to embrace technology

I ain’t got no iPod I just hum to myself
Don’t have a Kendle, there are real books on my shelf
Don’t have any lamps. Candles burn light just fine
Ain’t got no plastic cups. I drink everything from a stein


Don’t have a computer people treat me like I’m poor
When I go bowling I write down my own score
Don’t got no air conditioner I have Japanese fans
Don’t have no cell phone, just a string and some cans

Technology will overtake us
Just you watch and see
Computers will be the death of us
Running on all that electricity
Life would improve if we regress
Uninvent it all. Power it all down.
No toasters, no email, no electric toothbrush
The whole world becomes an Amish town


1 comment:

  1. I don't suppose this song is about me.

